Severe weather conditions have brought enormous impact to different industries. Currently, the prediction of those conditions are performed manually and the results are not easily accessible. To solve this problem, a local-based web-application prototype has been built. This prototype acquires and transforms weather climate data from different sources and present the data in an organized web dashboard. The prototype has been shown to different interested parties and received positive feedbacks.
Having passed the proof-of-concept stage, the task now is to build on top of the prototype to create a product that is highly available and responsive.
The user of the product will be able sign in to their own account on any web browser and access a list of weather monitoring and predicting services. The user will also be able to specify the detail about when and how they should be alerted.
Serverless architecture
Near real time radar map.
Fetching Radar data from Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) open data every 10 minutes.